Digital SAT Practice Quiz

Check out the correct answers to our digital SAT practice quiz.

Verbal Questions

1) American filmmaker Charlie Kaufman _______ prestige cinema’s interest in realistic storylines: this rebellion is obvious in his movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which follows a man’s fantastical journey to erase his girlfriend from his memory through a bizarre medical procedure.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

(A) repudiates

(B) claims

(C) predicts

(D) retracts

The correct answer is choice A. Testers should anticipate that the correct meaning for the underlined portion is something like “goes against,” as indicated by the key word “rebellion” later in the sentence.

2) Double-entry bookkeeping is a method of accounting invented in 13th century Florence which is used to preserve accurate financial records. It is also used to reduce accidental losses and detect fraud. Modern software may automate some of the laborious record-keeping once done by hand, but double-entry bookkeeping is still the standard accounting practice used to ensure accuracy by businesses today.

Which choice best states the main idea of the text?

(A) Software can now replace double-entry bookkeeping at most enterprises.

(B) While double-entry bookkeeping has many benefits, its most important use is to reduce accidental losses.

(C) Double-entry bookkeeping has been burdensome to accountants for centuries.

(D) Although there have been some updates recently, double-entry bookkeeping continues to be used to record financial transactions.

The correct answer is choice D. The final sentence contains the main idea—”modern software” allows for some automation, but double-entry bookkeeping is still a “standard accounting practice.”

3) The accomplished football player Frederick Douglass “Fritz” Pollard became the first Black coach of a professional football team, the Akron Pros, in 1921. A historian claims that throughout Fritz’s career, one of his primary goals was to provide opportunities for fellow Black athletes to succeed in football.

Which finding, if true, would most strongly support the scholar’s claim?

(A) Pollard was more successful as an athlete after 1921 than he was before 1921.

(B) Black coaches who have been polled in recent years are highly likely to cite Fritz Pollard’s example as an inspiration for their careers.

(C) Pollard later organized all-Black professional teams, including the Chicago Black Hawks in 1928 and the Harlem Brown Bombers in the 1930s.

(D) Akron Pros games that were coached by Pollard featured significantly different plays and strategy than Akron Pros games that were not coached by Pollard.

The correct answer is choice C. The scholars claim can be found in the final sentence—Pollard wanted to “provide opportunities for fellow Black athletes to succeed.” Choice C mentions “all-Black professional teams,” which is a perfect fit.

4) Most people are familiar with the most famous World Heritage Sites, which include manmade structures like Angkor Wat and ecological wonders like the Galapagos Islands. The selection process to be designated as such a site is not __________ all World Heritage Sites must demonstrate outstanding cultural or natural value to humans, as defined by one of ten different criteria.

Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?

(A) straightforward, however;

(B) straightforward; however,

(C) straightforward, however,

(D) straightforward however

The correct answer is choice A. It’s appropriate to use a semi-colon to separate two independent clauses (not a comma). The word “however” contrasts the first and second sentences of the passage, so it should be before the semi-colon, not after.

Math Questions

1) The length of a side of square J is 4 times the length of a side of square K. If the area of square J is n times the area of square K, what is the value of n?

(A) 1/4

(B) 2

(C) 4

(D) 16

The correct answer is choice D. Utilize the “Plug-In” strategy. Imagine square K has dimensions 2 x 2 (area of 4). Square J would have dimensions 8 x 8 (area of 64). The area of square J is 16 times larger!

2) If g is a linear function with g(-1)=6 and g(0)=8, which of the following defines g?

(A) g(x)=8x+14

(B) g(x)=0.5x+8

(C) g(x)=2x+8

(D) g(x)=2x+14

The correct answer is choice C. Since g(0)=8, the y-intercept should be 8. Since the y-value increases by 2 when the x-value increased by 1, the slope should be 2. The only choice that satisfies both is choice D.

3) A tennis player has won 25 matches and lost 15 matches. If she wins the next n matches, she will have won 70 percent of all matches she played. What is the value of n ?

(A) 3

(B) 5

(C) 8

(D) 10

The correct answer is choice D. Utilize the “Backsolve” strategy—test each choice until the correct answer works. When the tennis player wins 10 more matches (choice D), she’s won 35 matches out of 50, which is 70 percent.

4) Vicken drove to work at an average speed of 40 kilometers per hour and returned along the same route at 60 kilometers per hour. What was his average speed, in kilometers per hour, for the round trip?

(A) 45

(B) 48

(C) 50

(D) It cannot be determined from the information given.

The correct answer is choice B. Utilize the “Plug-In” strategy—imagine Vickens’s home and work are 120 kilometers apart. It would take Vicken 3 hours to drive to work and 2 hours to drive home. The average round trip speed would be 48 kilometers per hour (240 total kilometers divided by 5 total hours).