Test Prep & College Admissions

Which test should I take: SAT or ACT?

Different people will give you different answers to this age-old question: “My neighbor says the ACT is a better test and everyone should take it.” “My college counselor says Capricorns with green eyes should always take the SAT.” At CapEd, we have a simple recommendation: take both!

Ever since the SAT was revised in 2015, the SAT and ACT cover very similar content. As a result, by preparing for one test, you’re really preparing for both. It may seem like extra work to take two tests instead of one, but consider this: if you surprise yourself and do better on either the SAT or ACT, you only need to submit that score to colleges! We’ve had plenty of students who count out either the SAT or ACT and then surprise themselves by doing better on that test. Trust us—give both tests a shot!